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All programs are held at:

575 Underhill Blvd Suite 126

Syosset, NY 11791


Program Calendar


Call it Quits



Weight Management


CALL IT QUITS! – A Smoking Cessation Program

This smoking cessation program uses acupuncture to break the physical addiction to nicotine and promote detoxification of the body. Participants will understand the physical and psychological nature of nicotine addiction and nutritional supplements will be recommended in order to facilitate the detoxification process.


The acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles. The needles are sterilized and disposable being used only once and discarded. There is nothing injected into the body, the needles are placed in specific points that produce the desired effects. The acupuncture treatment will help end the physical dependence for nicotine by breaking the cycle of vascular changes that the nicotine produces. It will also stimulate the detoxification of nicotine from the body.


The entire program, which includes an introductory lecture to explain the program and the acupuncture treatment will take approximately 1½ hours. Some insurance companies will reimburse patients for smoking cessation programs, we suggest that you check with your insurance carrier. Insurance statements are provided.

Weight Management

Weight management involves the balancing of food intake and calories burned. More precisely, it is about eating healthful, nutrient-rich foods, digesting and metabolizing them properly and engaging in an exercise regimen that will safely burn calories.


This program integrates Eastern and Western dietetics and exercise with specific nutritional supplementation to balance the body and improve lifestyle habits. By regulating the quality of the calories consumed, eating whole unprocessed foods and by balancing blood sugar with a low glycemic diet, we can reduce blood lipids (triglyceride and cholesterol), turn off the fat production in the body and promote weight loss, safely and effectively. Patients are educated about how food choices affect blood sugar and how high blood sugar is related to obesity, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. By integrating a low glycemic diet with a low impact exercise program, energy balancing treatments including acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies and nutritional supplements a comprehensive and customized program can be designed for each individual seeking to lose weight and improve their overall health.



575 Underhill Blvd  

Suite 126

Syosset, NY 11791

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